Darier disease is a hereditary acantholytic dermatosis with an autosomal dominant genetic condition. Darier disease is characterized by scaly crusted papules with a seborrheic distribution and in skin creases.
Skin changes commonly appear throughout adolescence. Darier illness is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, which means that it is caused by a single gene handed down from one parent.
The skin lesions are characterized by persistent, greasy, scaly papules. Affected sites may include:
- Seborrhoeic areas of the face (scalp margins, forehead, ears, around the nostrils and sides of nose, eyebrows, and beard area)
- Scalp and neck
- Central chest and back
- Skin folds, such as armpits, groin, under the breasts, and between the buttocks
Darier disease is often diagnosed based on its appearance and family history, however it is frequently misdiagnosed as other skin disorders.
Nevertheless, once diagnosed, the disease requires fast treatment. Laser treatment, in fact, is acquiring more and more prominence among this issue’s doctors.
The Smart Medical Diode Laser 26.2Watt LASER-3.2, actually, has been recently recommended as one of the most suitable devices that might heal the signs of such an issue.
This device has 4 wavelengths: 635nm, 810nm, 980nm and 1064nm with Maximum power up to 26.2Watt.
Accordingly, it will offer extremely adjustable, easy and friendly aesthetic operation that greatly matches with the gravity of the patient’s case.
Added to that, doctors could easily track treatment times, save protocols and view patient profiles in the laser, and even update laser software through the internet.
Darier Disease begins as a dermatological problem. As a result, the light from this Laser will be directed at the skin, where photons will penetrate several centimeters and be absorbed by the mitochondria, the energy-producing component of a cell. This energy drives a slew of beneficial physiological reactions that result in the restoration of normal cell architecture and function.
In this way, the LASER-3.2 significantly increases the formation of new capillaries in damaged tissue which will speed up the healing process and consequently reduce this disease’s red traces.
Based on all the above-mentioned characteristics, the diode Laser system LASER-3.2 appears to be the most suitable device for treating Darier skin issue.
Reference: Darier–White disease
Disclaimer: Although the information we provide is used by different doctors and medical staff to perform their procedures and clinical applications, the information contained in this article is for consideration only. SIFLASER is not responsible neither for the misuse of the device nor for the wrong or random generalizability of the device in all clinical applications or procedures mentioned in our articles. Users must have the proper training and skills to perform the procedure with each Laser System.
The products mentioned in this article are only for sale to medical staff (doctors, nurses, certified practitioners, etc.) or to private users assisted by or under the supervision of a medical professional.