May 14, 2022

Laser Treatment for Telangiectasias

Telangiectasias are skin blood arteries that have enlarged. They are normally innocuous, however they have been linked to a number of disorders. Telangiectasias can appear anywhere […]
May 9, 2022

Laser Therapy for Café au Lait Macules Issue

Café au lait macules (CALMs), also known as Café au lait spots, are hyperpigmented lesions ranging in color from light brown to dark brown. They are […]
May 9, 2022

Laser Treatment for Psoriasis Issue

Psoriasis is a skin condition that creates red, itchy scaly patches on the knees, elbows, trunk, and scalp, among other places. Psoriasis is a chronic (long-term) […]
May 9, 2022

Eruptive Xanthomas and Laser Therapy

Eruptive xanthomas are skin lesions and lumps. They might be yellow, pink, brown, or skin-colored, and they can be irritating and uncomfortable. While eruptive xanthomas are […]
May 7, 2022

Laser Therapy for Fish Scale Disease

Fish Scale Disease, also known as Ichthyosis, is a skin disorder that creates thick, dry, “fish-scale” skin that is widespread and persistent. The skin of someone […]
May 6, 2022

Laser Therapy for Erythropoietic Protoporphyria

Erythropoietic protoporphyria (often known as EPP) is a kind of porphyria that ranges in intensity and can be excruciatingly painful. A deficit in the enzyme ferrochelatase […]
May 6, 2022

Laser-Guided Treatment for Morgellons Disease

Morgellons disease (MD) is an uncommon ailment characterized by fibres that grow beneath the skin or emerge from slow-healing skin wounds. MD patients frequently describe stinging, […]
May 6, 2022

Laser Treatment Epidermolytic Ichthyosis

Epidermolytic ichthyosis (EI) is a hereditary skin condition that affects only a small percentage of the population. It manifests as reddening, scaling, and severe blistering of […]
May 6, 2022

Laser Treatment for Necrobiosis Lipoidica

Necrobiosis lipoidica is an uncommon granulomatous skin condition that primarily affects diabetics’ shins. One percent of diabetic people will develop it. The latter can happen in […]
May 4, 2022

Laser Therapy for Excessive Underarm Sweating

Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, is a common illness that causes a great deal of distress. Excessive sweating of the underarms (axillary hyperhidrosis) or the palms and […]