Metachromatic leukodystrophy is a rare hereditary (genetic) condition characterized by the accumulation of fatty substances (lipids) in cells, notably those of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.
This accumulation is caused by a lack of an enzyme that aids in the breakdown of lipids known as sulfatides. As a result of the damage to the material that covers and protects the nerve cells (myelin), the brain and nervous system gradually lose function.
Damage to That protective myelin covering the nerves results in progressive worsening of brain and nervous system functions, including:
· Loss of the ability to detect sensations, such as touch, pain, heat and sound
· Loss of intellectual, thinking and memory skills
· Loss of motor skills, such as walking, moving, speaking and swallowing
· Stiff, rigid muscles, poor muscle function and paralysis
· Loss of bladder and bowel function
· Gallbladder problems
· Blindness
· Hearing loss
· Seizures
· Emotional and behavioral problems, including unstable emotions and substance misuse.
Given that cell destruction is the most common complication of this condition, numerous medicines and medical technologies have been developed to identify and cure it.
Laser therapy with the help of advanced laser machines has earned the approval of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), especially that Over 4,000 studies have demonstrated the positive effects of this specific type of therapy.
Undoubtedly, not all laser machines are suitable and effective enough to meet these sensitive treatment requirements. Yet, the Smart Medical 26.2Watt Diode Laser SIFLASER-3.2 appears to perfectly meet these medical needs.
This device has 4 wavelengths: 635nm, 810nm, 980nm and 1064nm with Maximum power of up to 26.2Watt.
The most essential feature is that its pulse duration is 10s-3s. This should completely fulfill the demands of neurologists, especially as the pulse length is customizable to fit the needs of each unique patient.
Another advantage is that clinicians can easily measure treatment periods, store protocols, and check patient profiles in the laser, as well as update laser software through the internet.
This should render the laser treatment much easier and more transparent for both doctors and patients.
What is of most importance, though, is that Metachromatic leukodystrophy disease is basically a cell damage issue. Accordingly, one of the primary functions of SIFLASER-3.2 has been to accelerate tissue repair and cell growth among patients. But how?
Laser photons penetrate deeply into tissue, accelerating cellular reproduction and development. The laser light boosts the energy available to the cell, allowing it to absorb nutrients and eliminate waste products more quickly.
In this way, this Laser light gradually works on treating the damaged cells.
Leukodystrophies are progressive, so the neurological problems get worse over time which makes them usually fatal.
This, however, should never rule out the possibility of recovery. Recovery from Metachromatic leukodystrophy may become a reality with the aid of the diode Laser system SIFLASER-3.2.
reference: Metachromatic leukodystrophy
Disclaimer: Although the information we provide is used by different doctors and medical staff to perform their procedures and clinical applications, the information contained in this article is for consideration only. SIFLASER is not responsible neither for the misuse of the device nor for the wrong or random generalizability of the device in all clinical applications or procedures mentioned in our articles. Users must have the proper training and skills to perform the procedure with each Laser System.
The products mentioned in this article are only for sale to medical staff (doctors, nurses, certified practitioners, etc.) or to private users assisted by or under the supervision of a medical professional.